>-----Original Message-----
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:python-win32- 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Roberts mani sabri wrote:
>> I want to run a Python shell from a DllMain() function.
>It isn't safe to do this much processing in a DllMain.  There is a 
>thing called the "loader lock" that is held while DllMain is called, 
>and it can prevent you from loading other DLLs.  You might try spinning 
>off a thread to do your real work.

Wow thanks,I'll difinitly use a thread. Do have any link to a sample code or
some keywords for google?

>>      freopen("CONOUT$","w",stdout);
>>      freopen("CONIN$","w",stdin);
>>      freopen("CONERR$","w",stderr);
>Do you really think "w" is correct for all three of those?
>>      FILE* afile = fopen("CONOUT$", "w+");
>>      FILE* bfile = fopen("CONIN$", "w+");
>Again, do you really think you want "w+ for both of these?  How much 
>writing will you do to stdin?
>>      PySys_SetObject("stdin", PyFile_FromFile(bfile, "CONIN$","wb", 
>> fclose));
>Again, you're probably going to want to read from stdin, not write to 

Thanks a lot. I'm sure I'll never forget that.

>  And you don't really need to do the fopen yourself:
>    PyFileObject* xout = PyFile_FromString( "CONOUT$", "wb" );
>    PyFileObject* xin = PyFile_FromString( "CONIN$", "rb" );
>    PySys_SetObject( "stdout", xout );
>    PySys_SetObject( "__stdout__", xout );
>    PySys_SetObject( "stdin", xin );
>    PySys_SetObject( "__stdin__", xin );

And this, I was not able to compile it[1] until I changed it a little

[1] It was 6 errors, first and seconed line of the kind:
expertsample.cpp(85) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from
'PyObject *' to 'PyFileObject *'
Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast,
C-style cast or function-style cast

And the remaining four of the kind:
expertsample.cpp(87) : error C2664: 'PySys_SetObject' : cannot convert
parameter 2 from 'PyFileObject *' to 'PyObject *'
Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast,
C-style cast or function-style cast

[2] So I changed the code to:

PyFileObject* xout = (PyFileObject*)PyFile_FromString("CONOUT$","wb");
PyFileObject* xin = (PyFileObject*)PyFile_FromString( "CONIN$", "rb" );
PySys_SetObject( "stdout", (PyObject*)xout ); PySys_SetObject( "__stdout__",
(PyObject*)xout ); PySys_SetObject( "stdin", (PyObject*)xin );
PySys_SetObject( "__stdin__", (PyObject*)xin );

But still no output after a PyRun_SimpleString("print 'Hello from

>Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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