On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 16:13 -0700, Tim Roberts wrote:
> Julius wrote:
> > My fault(already got that one running), i meant the 
> > win32gui.EnumChildWindows(currentHwnd, windowEnumerationHandler,
> > childWindows)
> > function.
> >
> > from what i understand the purpose of this function is to return the
> > childwindows from a top window - if this is right why not just pass a
> > topwindow as argument and return a list of childwindows?
> >   
> Windows APIs don't ever return lists of things, because it present a 
> memory management difficulty.  Who allocates, who owns, who releases, 
> etc.  Instead, they all use the "enumeration callback" concept.  That 
> way, if you want a list, you can construct and maintain it yourself.
> If you just want the list of handles, you can do something like this:
>     childlist = []
>     win32ui.EnumChildWindows( hwnd, lamba hwnd,oldlist: oldlist.append( 
> hwnd ), childlist )

Ok, havent tried it yet but im sure it will work.
But why isnt there any documentation what the arguments are good for?


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