mark.a.brand wrote:
> hi:
> how do you incorporate a where clause and selected field clause in a wmi 
> query ?
> this gets me caption and state fields for all services
>   c = wmi.WMI()
>   for service in c.Win32_Service (['Caption', 'State'])
>      ...
> this gets me all fields for stopped services
> c = wmi.WMI()
> for service in c.Win32_Service ('State == 'Stopped')
>    ....
> is the way to incorporate both queries into one something like this
> c = wmi.WMI()
> for service in c.Win32_Service (['Caption', 'State'])  WHERE ('State == 
> 'Stopped')

Well, I can answer this a couple of ways:

1) You can always pass raw WQL to the namespace (the result
of calling wmi.WMI () - in your case, c). So:

import wmi

c = wmi.WMI ()
Q = "SELECT caption FROM Win32_Service WHERE state = 'Stopped'"
for service in c.query (Q):
   print service.caption



2)'d only really need to do this is you were doing
something sophisticated with the where clause. Normally you'd
write it like this:

import wmi

c = wmi.WMI ()
for service in c.Win32_Service (['caption'], state="Stopped"):
   print service.caption


Even that is a slight optimisation. It usually costs little
to pull back all the fields, so I generally write:

import wmi

c = wmi.WMI ()
for service in c.Win32_Service (state="Stopped"):
   print c.Caption, c.Status


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