I agree with Tim here. I set up a simple script to backup a few files,
then scheduled a task to run daily at 2am.

-Kyle Rickey

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Golden
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 4:29 AM
Cc: python-win32@python.org
Subject: Re: [python-win32] FTP Task Schedule in Python

K-Factory wrote:
> I need to automate a scheduled weekly task i.e. downloading a file
from FTP.
> This is to be done on WINDOWS but I am unable to make any further
> development on this as I am stuck with the python scheduler itself.
> somebody help me with this, I just need a skeleton of code further
things I
> can personally input. Also can any one provide me with the link for
any such
> scheduler code or project.

Is there some reason why you couldn't use either the
AT service or the Scheduled Tasks service from within
Windows itself? Both are scriptable from the command
line and elsewhere and the pywin32 packages include an
interface to Scheduled Tasks.

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