Hi All,

    I have a GUI app, written in wxPython, which allows the user to
load one or more files (always with the extension *.DATA) and to save
some data in a database. Now, I would like to assign an overlay to the
icon of the files added to the database, leaving the other files (with
the same file extension, but not added to the database) with their own
One of the guy in the wxPython mailing list pointed me here:


But it looks like his solution does not work:


Anyway, I have a couple of question:

1) I have looked the implementation mentioned in the link above, but
it is a bit unclear to me: how do I actually *use* this class? All my
users have the extension "*.DATA" associated with the Wordpad or
Notepad or similar icons, as they use these editors to open these
file? Should I tamper the registry where the *.DATA extension is
stored? I am really lost here.
2) Can I assign this overlay icon to a particular file (without
touching the others with the same extension)? And if so, how?
3) Is the problem mentioned in the thread above still present? Will it
affect also my GUI, even though it is writte in wxPython?

Sorry for the very newbie questions, I am just a beginner with win32all.

I have tried to mess around with some code found in CodeProject:


And with the one in TortoiseSVN source code, but both are way over my head :-(

Thank you for your suggestions.


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