No problems, thanks for your help so far and the code below.
The lack of drag and drop isn't stopping my program from working, it's just a 
feature i would really like to implement.
I'll wait for some more help and in the meantime learn more about the win32 
modules and windows programming in general.

Thanks Tim, and everyone else on the mailing list.

> Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 20:28:42 +0100
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [python-win32] Creating python com objects
> Alex Denham wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks Tim, the program actually reacts when something is dragged over 
> > (much better than before).
> > However i'm receiving an error everytime.
> > 
> >  >>>
> > pythoncom error: Unexpected exception in gateway method 'DragEnter'
> > <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: DragEnter
> > pythoncom error: Unexpected gateway error
> I've finally got round to producing a test harness to
> recreate this situation. (I've never actually used
> this functionality before, I'm afraid). And I get the
> same error. I've looked at the source code in PyIDropTarget.cpp,
> but I'm afraid I haven't the energy to plough through the
> gateway code at the moment trying to find out what's
> calling what calling what.
> One thing to correct from my earlier code is that the
> WrapObject function should specify the IID_IDropTarget
> interface twice, otherwise you end up with an IDispatch.
> But that's not the real problem. The "Unexpected exception"
> seems to mean that something's happened internally to the
> gateway logic which caused this, and the AttributeError
> suggests that it's failing to find the DragEnter method.
> But I can't see whether that's a flaw in my technique for
> building up the COM object, or a flaw in the gateway code
> for discerning its attributes.
> > Also, in the documentation it says:
> >  
> > *Drop(/pDataObj//, pt//, dwEffect/*)
> > 
> > 
> >       Parameters
> > 
> > /pDataObj/ : *PyIDataObject **
> >  
> > How do i link the IDataObject to the IDragTarget?
> I don't know that you can, if you're asking: how do I
> find out where this is coming from?. I think the drag-drop
> technique is endpoint-agnostic. (A high-sounding phrase I've
> just invented). The most you can do is get hold of the data.
> Again, I think.
> I'm out of my depth so I'm hoping that Roger or Mark
> or other more knowledgeable people can chip in at this point
> and help.
> For the purposes of discussion, I attach below my test harness
> code which creates a simple window and registers a simple
> IDropTarget object against it.
> Sorry to be no more help than this.
> <code>
> import os, sys
> import win32gui
> import win32con
> import pythoncom
> CLSID = '{89DD545A-2C83-4103-AFE3-6CEB7FF5ECA4}'
> PROGID = "Tim.DropTarget"
> DESC = "Drop target handler for Tim's app"
> class DropTarget:
>    _reg_clsid_ = CLSID
>    _reg_progid_ = PROGID
>    _reg_desc_ = DESC
>    _public_methods_ = ['DragEnter', 'DragOver', 'DragLeave', 'Drop']
>    _com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IDropTarget]
>    def DragEnter (self, data_object, key_state, point, effect):
>         pass
>    def DragOver (self, key_state, point, effect):
>         pass
>    def DragLeave (self):
>         pass
>    def Drop (self, data_object, key_state, point, effect):
>         pass
> def create_window ():
>    def OnDestroy (hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
>      win32gui.PostQuitMessage (0)
>    wc = win32gui.WNDCLASS ()
>    hinst = win32gui.GetModuleHandle(None)
>    wc.lpszClassName = "DragDrop"
> = win32con.CS_VREDRAW | win32con.CS_HREDRAW;
>    wc.hCursor = win32gui.LoadCursor (0, win32con.IDC_ARROW)
>    wc.hbrBackground = win32con.COLOR_WINDOW
>    wc.lpfnWndProc = {win32con.WM_DESTROY : OnDestroy}
>    classAtom = win32gui.RegisterClass (wc)
>    style = win32con.WS_VISIBLE | \
>      win32con.WS_OVERLAPPED | win32con.WS_SYSMENU
>    return win32gui.CreateWindow (
>      classAtom,
>      "Drag & Drop demo",
>      style,
>      0, 0, 100, 100,
>      0, 0, hinst, None
>    )
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>    pythoncom.OleInitialize ()
>    drop_target = pythoncom.WrapObject (
>      DropTarget,
>      pythoncom.IID_IDropTarget,
>      pythoncom.IID_IDropTarget
>    )
>    pythoncom.RegisterDragDrop (create_window (), drop_target)
>    win32gui.PumpMessages ()
> </code>
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