Pierre-Yves Delens wrote:

in the context of CAD management (layersmanagement, etc...),

we are storing our Layers management in a reference.dwg file, for obvious reasons. But some aspects of this management have to be maintained in alphanumeric format.


we need to trigger each time this reference.dwg file is modified.
This trigger would launch a small exe our py script,
so that we can extract datas from it (layers definitions actually), and integrate them in a database (SqLite ~Python).
We should therefore be able to monitor this file.

Can Python, can PythonWin help me to do that?
Could you give me the [beginning  of ] a clue?

I read through the book 'Py progamming on Win32', but I didn't find this.
Although I guess that a Win 'service' (the topic is in the book) should be created.

I found about "FileWatcher DLL" which is what we need, butthisis in context of C# and IronPython. I was hoping to find a shorter way between Python and the file-Sytem. Is there some kind of FileWatcher DLL accessible from Pywin32?

Thanks on forward.


pour P-Y Delens sprl, Bureau d'Architectes,

Pierre-Yves Delens, ir-arch.

Hi Pierre-Yves,

I've used Tim Golden's folder watcher script to do this sort of thing. You can check it out as well as a couple of other methods on his site: http://tgolden.sc.sabren.com/python/win32_how_do_i/watch_directory_for_changes.html

It uses various parts from the pyWin32 package, so be sure to download that.

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