bob gailer wrote:
A few years ago I wrote on this subject and never had a response. Since Tim has put the docs on the Web I revisited them. And I still have questions and concerns. So here goes:
Under Keyboard Bindings:
Why is Ctrl+ followed by upper case letters when one must use the lower case equivalent?

There are actually several reasons for this.

I don't know about yours, but on my keyboard, all of the alpha keys are labeled with upper case letters. That is, I press the Ctrl and T keys to get the ASCII value 0x24, not the Ctrl and t keys.

Original ASCII, from whence these names derived, only had lowercase, uppercase, and control. Ctrl-A was unambiguous, because there was no code for Ctrl-Shift-A.

The Ctrl+T spelling was also mandated by the old Windows User Interface Style Guide.

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