
 To develop a interface to a COM library under Boa Constructor and WxPython, 
Python 2.5, I had to use the makepy utility to generate the classes file.

 I show you a part of this file:

 from win32com.client import CoClassBaseClass
# This CoClass is known by the name 'PcommServer.PmacDevice.1'
class PmacDevice(CoClassBaseClass): # A CoClass
 # PmacDevice Class
 CLSID = IID('{B544D2BD-354C-456E-9E88-20F71625E7DF}')
 coclass_sources = [
 default_source = _IPmacDeviceEvents
 coclass_interfaces = [
 default_interface = IPmacDevice

I can call PmacDevice() class and everything works well to communicate with the 
card. There is events managed in the library and I don't know how to use them? 
There is nothing in the file concerning this class.

 Do you have a example or tutorial ?

 Thanks a lot.

 Serge Gauthier

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