> The application as to re-run itself using ShellExecute so it has to
> know
> if it already runs elevated or not.
> To do this I must use :
> GetTokenInformation(
>                      hToken,
>                      TokenElevationType
>                   )

What about:

>>> from win32com.shell import shell
>>> shell.IsUserAnAdmin()

?  See the docs though, to ensure you correctly handle the win2k etc cases
(and it requires build 211)

Alterntively, it seems to me that you can maybe *assume* you are not
elevated first time you are run, and always attempt to re-execute yourself.
For example:

%python -c "import win32api;win32api.ShellExecute(0, 'runas', 'notepad.exe',
None, '', 1)"

If run from a normal command prompt, it will prompt for elevation - but if
the command prompt is already elevated, it silently opens notepad.  So, you
could try something like:

* Arrange for 'myprogram.exe' to be started.
* myprogram.exe checks for a '-no-elevate' command line - if not there, it
just re-executes itself, but *with* the '-no-elevate' param. 

Although this will always execute your program twice, it will only prompt
for elevation when necessary.  As you imply that the most common case is
likely to *not* be elevated in the first instance, the net result is the



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