kNish wrote:
Hi, I have had this issue for long now. Is it possible to have a work around for this. When these commands are run singly, they give a result. When run inside a script, the second line does not give a result. What is a possible work around for this. BkFiles.sort(key=str.upper) last_bk_File_Name = BkFiles[len(BkFiles)-1] BRgds, kNish


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It is a little hard to read your code but I'll try:

Your code:
last_bk_File_Name = BkFiles[len(BkFiles)-1]

# BRgds, kNish
# Not clear what this is supposed to do????
# This line should cause a syntax error.

You can more easily write the second line as:

last_bk_File_Name = BkFiles[-1]


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