Wel firstly it won't work, the class should be:

class a(object):
   def b(self):
       print "b"

   def c(self):
       print "c"

so to call b you first need instance of object:

myA = a()

I am not really understanding what you wish to achieve. Also you say
"I went thru the notes.", what notes? Are you trying to learn python
in general or do you wish to do something specific?


On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 8:29 PM, kNish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>             I went thru the notes. I said i will understand when the group
> explains this to me. How much difference does it make to call a module as it
> and call it as being part of a class. Say
> Class a:
>      def b:                                            def b:
>      def c:                                             def c:
> Do I need to know more before asking this question. Fill in the blanks.
> Brgds,
> kNish
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