To restart I use:

outFileObject = os.popen("shutdown -r -t 05", 'r')

To shutdown swap -r for -s. This is the same as running the "shutdown -r -t
05" on the command prompt.

The number is the delay and the outFileObject catches any messages that
would be printed out to the command prompt window.


2008/12/4 Alec Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm wondering if there's some way to reboot or shutdown Windows from within
> Python?
> I can log out like this:
> win32api.ExitWindowsEx(4)
> And according to the documentation, I should be able to shutdown like this:
> win32api.ExitWindowsEx(2)
> But that returns the following error:
> 'A required privilege is not held by the client.'
> Is there some way to do this? Currently I'm running shutdown.exe, which
> works, but I'd rather do it directly if possible.
> Thanks for any help.
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