En Wed, 25 Feb 2009 05:40:22 -0200, venu madhav <venutaurus...@gmail.com> escribió:

           I am writing an application which has to identify the
archived files in a given directory.I've tried using the function
i = win32api.GetFileAttributes (full_path)

to obtain the attributes.But am unable to identify based on the value
it returns as it is returning 5152, 13856 etc for different files but
all of them are archived. Is there any way to come to a conclusion
using these numbers about whether a file is archived or not.

So you're using the pywin32 package. It comes with a help file (PyWin32.chm), you can open it right from the menu: Start, All Programs, Python XX, Python for Windows documentation. Go to the GetFileAttributes topic. It says "The return value is a combination of the win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_* constants". Ok, which constants? Let Python tell us:

py> import win32con
py> [name for name in dir(win32con) if name.startswith("FILE_ATTRIBUTE_")]

What do they mean? The best source is the Microsoft site. There is a very convenient link in the help topic: "Search for GetFileAttributes at msdn, google or google groups." Click on msdn, the first result is <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa364944(VS.85).aspx>
You apparently are looking for FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE.

Gabriel Genellina

python-win32 mailing list

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