
I just moved a python ISAPI between servers, the code works fine except that "import win32traceutil" doesn't work any more for the ISAPI.

On the other hand, "import win32traceutil" in a small test program run either from the pythonwin environment or with python.exe, works all right : the pywin "Python Trace Collector" tool shows all printed messages.

Any idea for rectifying this would be welcome.

Pythonwin version : 2.5.4

Possibly relevant : the move was made in the simplest possible manner, by installing the current (2.5.4) ActivePython for the major version (2.5) on the target machine and simply copying files not included in the distribution, even though the ActivePython on the source machine was in fact 2.5.1, this on the basis of the idea that binary compatibility is guaranteed between minor versions. Could this be a (the) mistake ?

Thanks in advance for any help,

Boris Borcic

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