Greg Ewing wrote:
> I'm trying to use GDI+ (via ctypes) to draw text.
> It works for some fonts but messes up with others.
> Using Times, for example, it seems to be using the
> glyphs for one character earlier in the code sequence,
> so that "Times" comes out as "Shldr" -- except that it
> uses the widths of the original characters for positioning.
> Can someone please run the attached code and tell me
> whether it works for them or not? And any ideas on what
> I could be doing wrong to cause this?

Sadly, I see "Times Italic 48" in black-on-yellow.

Do you really have a font called "Times"?  The TrueType font is actually
called "Times New Roman".  There is a "substitution" list for common
font names, but I'm not sure I'd want to rely on it.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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