On 31/03/2009 12:24 AM, jo wrote:
What is the best way to solve this conflict ?

from pylab import *
d:\python25\lib\site-packages\pytz\__init__.py:29: UserWarning: Module 
pywintypes was already imported from C:\WINDOWS\system32\pywintypes25.dll, but 
d:\python25\lib\site-packages\pywin32-210-py2.5-win32.egg is being added to 
   from pkg_resources import resource_stream
d:\python25\lib\site-packages\pytz\__init__.py:29: UserWarning: Module 
pythoncom was already imported from C:\WINDOWS\system32\pythoncom25.dll, but 
d:\python25\lib\site-packages\pywin32-210-py2.5-win32.egg is being added to 
   from pkg_resources import resource_stream

What pywin32 build? If 213, it might be worth seeing if 212 works - there have been some reports of 213's win32api not loading on old windows 2000 builds, but given a suitably old/broken IE its possible the same problem exists.

The other alternative is to look for the free 'depends' tool from sysinternals to identify exactly which symbol can't be loaded.


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