On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Fleu Risseur <fleuriss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With APTANA I have built some some hundreds of internet sites, and I may
> perfectly be ignorant in a lot of things.
 I'd never heard of APTANA. It looks interesting. Thanks for mentioning it.

> So, again the question, expecting some usefull answer
> In APTANA, despite all efforts, all installations, all PYTHON scripts
> correctly written,  all docs I could read, this very simple instruction does
> not work :
> import win32
> (and of course all instructions like : from win32 import xxx)
"import win32" is not a supported operation. What made you think that it was?

You may directly import modules under win32  and win32\lib because
those directories are listed in pywin32.pth in the site-packages
 win32com is a module because it contains an __init__.py file.
Therefore it can be imported directly.

I have no desire to insult you, but if the above does not make sense
to you, I suggest that you check the Python documentation.
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