I installed Python + win32all and tried to run an ASP page (with Python
language) on IIS. I got this error: "HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error".
I tried to install on a Windows Vista and a Windows Server 2007. On Vista,
I'm fixed removing the user ASP.NET and using "asp_iisreg -i" (it's a tip
from MSDN). On Windows Server, Python/ASP files works in old paths, but I
created a new app to put my *.py files and it didn't works.

Anyone knows how to fix this problem? I tried to set permissions to IUSR and
to <computer name>_IUSRS to the new app, but didn't solve my problem.

Searches on google return just very old topics, with this same problem in
Win2k, but I installed in 2 computers and have the same problem.

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