Hi all.? First post, and I
did try to do due diligence on browsing the mailing list and googling,
but I could not find an answer to this (? hopefully I tried hard
enough... ;->? ).

I have a setup where I want a COM LocalServer to only be available when the 
application has been manually started.

Basically my COM server gets enabled when the user starts an
application that loads my application as a dll.? My COM server is
useless without the application. In standard COM, this is achieved by
registering a dummy dll and then using 


in the executable, making it available when the process is running.

The python win32com examples all perform a single registration which
allows other com clients to use it at arbitrary times, which will not
work for me.? I would need to either:

1. Be able to register the COM server at installation time with a
"dummy" dll and only have it be available when the process is running
and my dll is loaded into it


2. Register/unregister the COM server on demand - once at the entry
point into my dll and once on exit, but do so without administrative
privelidges since that would be unworkable for the user.

Could someone give me a hint how I might be able to achieve this with python 


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