Message: 1
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 08:49:58 +0100
From: Tim Golden <>
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Programatically activating secondary
Cc: python-win <>

One can enable/disable a mutli-head monitor by right clicking on the desktop
and selecting the Settings Tab.
Of course, you need to have a multi-head video card and driver installed
first. but there are times when you want to disable the second

When you connect to a system via Remote Desktop which has both
monitors/desktops enabled, you cannot access the applications that are
displayed on the secondary monitor. This is extremely irritating. If you
close those applications and re-open them, they automatically re-ope on the
secondary display. The only way to prevent this is to disable the secondary
video card,and re-open the monitor on the primary display.

Some very old applications (Lotus Notes for example) which happen to be
running on the scondary display, cannot be dragged back to the primary
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