John Randolph wrote:
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Tim Golden <> wrote:
Actually I had previously placed a delay between the new_rule creation
and calling AddMembershipRule for another reason -- to make a clear
break in the timestamps on the server side wmi logs.  Unfortunately
the delay doesn't help.

Tim, all:

My "Generic Failure" error when calling AddMembershipRule(new rule)
turned out to be permissions related.  My local Windows admins have
segregated read and write access into two groups and my role account
didn't have write access.   oops.

Unfortunately I learned no further details on how to decode "Generic
failure" into "Bad permissions" for the list, though, sorry.   The WMI
service logs look clean so you probably need to dive into the SMS

Thanks for the update.

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