Stef Mientki wrote:

is there a way to get an overview of ntfs permissions,
of a specified part of a directory tree ?

(I've recently answered amost this question over on
StockOverflow as it happens: it wasn't you, was it? :) )

One answer is to use cacls / xcacls, the command-line
tool which ships with Windows.

If you want a Python-y way of doing it (which is,
I assume, why you asked here) then I can do no better
than recommend my fledgling winsys module:

MSI here:

or Subversion here:
 svn co winsys

The code would then be something like (depending on what you
actually wanted to show...):

from winsys import fs

ROOT = "c:/temp"
# For purposes of illustration, just show directories
for directory, dirs, files in fs.walk (ROOT):
 dirpath = directory.filepath.relative_to (ROOT)
 indent = "  " * dirpath.count (fs.sep)
 print indent, dirpath
 security = ()
 for dace in ().dacl:
   print indent, dace


Obviously, it depends on exactly what you're after. If you'd
rather do it with "native" Python+pywin32, I'm happy to produce
an example, but it's a bit tedious (which is why I wrote the
winsys package to save myself the trouble of remembering...)

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