Dear Experts,

Can someone provide an example of how to use CreateProcessWithLogonW?

I am having some issues with the subprocess module and how it
interacts with win32security.ImpersonateLoggedOnUser. Specifically, I
use the latter to change users but the new user does not seem to be
properly inherited when I spawn further subprocesses.

I am doing something like

   import win32security, win32con
   handle = win32security.LogonUser(


Then spawning subprocesses but the subprocesses cannot read the same
UNC paths that that the parent could.

I believe the problem is because the subprocess module calls
CreateProcess but CreateProcess does not inherit what
ImpersonateLoggedOnUser does. I believe using CreateProcessWithLogonW
may solve the problem but am willing to try other alternatives.

Any advice on either spawning subprocesses which inherit parent user
properly or changing users in a better way on Windows would be greatly

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