Hi dear members of the python-win32 python mailing list,

I'm trying to connect to my facebook account.. I'd like to automate some tasks like closing applications requests, and why not automate task for application games of facebook, if I arrive to do this.

But I can't arrive to connect to homepage..
First, without win32com, the code page return by the script was a javascript script :

    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function(loc) { if (loc.pathname == '/') { return; } var uri_re =
    var target_domain = ''; loc.href.replace(uri_re, function(all,
    path, query, frag) { var dst, src; dst = src = path + (query ? '?'
    + query : ''); if (frag) { if (frag.charAt(0) == '/') { dst =
    frag.replace(/^\/+/, '/') .replace(/_fb_qsub=([^&]+)&?/,
    function(all, domain){ if (domain.substring(domain.length - 13) ==
    ' <>') { target_domain =
    'http://'+domain; } return ''; }); } else if (/&|=/.test(frag)) {
    var q = {}; var m = frag.match(/([^#]*)(#.*)?/); var arr =
    (query||'').split('&').concat((m[1]||'').split('&')); for (var
    i=0, length=arr.length; i<length; i++) { var t =
    arr[i].split('='); if (t.length && t[0] != '') { q[t[0]] = t[1]; }
    } var s = []; for (var i in q) { s.push(i+ (q[i]?'='+q[i]:'')); }
    dst = path+'?'+s.join('&')+(m[2]||''); } } dst = "" + dst; if (dst
    != src) { window.location.replace(target_domain + dst); } });

After reading a little on the web ( I searched a solution to execute javascript code from python), I've found the next added lines, which use win32com. I have installed pywin32-214 (I use python 2.6.2).

See below my code :

    # -*- coding:Utf-8 -*-
    import httplib
    import urllib

    Connexion = httplib.HTTP(' <>')
    Connexion.putrequest('GET', '/home.php')
    Connexion.putheader('Host', '
    Connexion.putheader('Accept', 'text/html')
    Connexion.putheader('Cookie', 'the_long_cookie_from_facebook')
    ErrCode, ErrMsg, Headers = Connexion.getreply()
    Handle = Connexion.getfile()
    Buffer =

    from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureDispatch
    ie = EnsureDispatch('InternetExplorer.Application')
    print ie.Document.documentElement.innerHTML

When I execute the script, I have this error :

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Documents and
    Settings\adlemair\Bureau\exos\", line 18, in
        from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureDispatch
      File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\win32com\", line
    5, in <module>
        import win32api, sys, os
    ImportError: DLL load failed: Le module spécifié est introuvable.

Do you know why ? Do you arrive to execute this script on your side ?

Thank you so much for your advise

Best regards,

Why not just use the pyFacebook module? It wraps Facebook's API and would probably be more reliable for communicating with their services. Here's a link:

- Mike
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