[copying back to the list]

Please keep the conversation on-list, a h. We're all
happy to help you, but none of us is a private
consultant -- at least not an unpaid one! Also,
the more people who see what you post, the more
people there are who might be able to answer.

a h wrote:
I have wriiten this piece of code which works fine. which retrieve files
from server and dumping to the local folder

import ftplib
f = ftplib.FTP("server_host_name")
while True:
    ...my logic
    f.retrbinary("RETR %s"% fname, myFile.write)

but when disconnected say wire remove then it hang in loop, it does not
throw any exception or any error. I traced by putting prints, and find that
it hanged in ftp api call like "f.pwd()  OR f.retrbinary()" and never return

Did you try my suggestion of setting a socket timeout?

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