> I'm running Windows XP SP2 and did a brand new install of Python
> 2.6.2/2.6.3 -- with the "Just for me" dialog box checked -- in
> directory E:\tools\Python26 (using python-2.6.3.msi downloaded
> from http://www.python.org/).

Aha, I just reinstalled 2.6.2 without the "Just for me" checkbox and
this time pywin32 installed successfully with the following message:

Copied pythoncom26.dll to C:\WINDOWS\system32\pythoncom26.dll
Copied pywintypes26.dll to C:\WINDOWS\system32\pywintypes26.dll
Registered: Python.Interpreter 
Registered: Python.Dictionary 
Registered: Python 
-> Software\Python\PythonCore\2.6\Help[None]=None
-> Software\Python\PythonCore\2.6\Help\Pythonwin 
Pythonwin has been registered in context menu
Creating directory E:\tools\Python26\Lib\site-packages\win32com\gen_py
Shortcut for Pythonwin created
Shortcut to documentation created
The pywin32 extensions were successfully installed.

BTW, I've been installing Python with the "Just for me" checked
because I don't like polluting my C:\Windows\system32 directory
with third party DLLs.

In particular, I need to set up a Python installation for all users
on a network drive, so don't want any files installed on the local
drive. Any tips on setting up a shared Windows Python install on a
network drive for all users would be appreciated.


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