J wrote:
And it does indeed work.  We're using the latest 2.6, and so far
everything has worked well. NumberOfCores and
NumberOfLogicalProcessors does just what I hoped they would do, so now
I have a small bit of n00b code:

print "Getting processor information now...\n"

I suspect you're coming from a C background? Or something
similar. Python's a very versatile language and tries to
help you avoid boilerplate. So you can do things like this:

import wmi

c = wmi.WMI ()
numProcs = len (c.Win32_Processor ())
print "Number ...:", numProcs
# or
print "Number ...: %s" % numProcs

and likewise for your other print statement. (Watch out:
print has become a function in Python 3.x). The percent-s
thing works just like sprintf in C only with a Python touch:
you can use a more restrictive %d %2.3f etc. but if you put
%s, Python calls your object's __str__ method which will usually
generate what you expect to see.

numProcs = len(c.Win32_Processor ())
print "Number of Processor Packages found: " + str(numProcs)
for p in c.Win32_Processor ():
  print "Number of processor cores: " + str(p.NumberOfCores)
  print "Number of Logical processors: " + str(p.NumberOfLogicalProcessors)
  if p.NumberOfCores != p.NumberOfLogicalProcessors :
      print "HyperThreading seems to be enabled."

This is definitely the place to look for this kind of information:


unfortunately, some of the useful information like NumberOfCores
and NumberOfLogicalProcessors seems to be available only on the
very latest releases. Might be an issue for you?

THANKS!  Once again, you're wisdom blows my mind ;-) and your link-fu.

I blush. But in fact (he says, giving away all his secrets) my
magic incantation was simply this:


Of course, I have done that once or twice before ;)

Glad it's been useful. I'm just releasing a new version of the
Python module which includes a little web server whichi lets you
browse around the classes to a limited extent. If you're interested,
let me know.

Sure... it'd be neat to play with.  Like I've said before, this is
going to be actually useful, but I'm doing it out of boredom and as a
learning experience more than I am doing it to benefit work or
anything like that.  They don't pay me enough to really want to work
for their benefit ;-)

I'll put a release notice out in the next day or two and let you
know where you can get hold of it.

I have run into another issue though with the various Memory classes...

[... snip rather specific Memory stuff ...]

I'm afraid I've no particular insight here. I'm sure I can Google
around a bit to see, but I'm sure you can too...

Keep posting to the list and let's see if someone else has
an idea.

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