On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 6:32 AM, Mark Hammond <skippy.hamm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/11/2009 10:03 AM, Preston Landers wrote:
>> 4) Use isapi-wsgi:  This seems to be getting more popular but it seems
>> to use threads and I'm wondering whether this will break my app in
>> subtle ways.
> Thread support should be optional - it is if you use the lower-level isapi 
> stuff included in pywin32 (which isapi-wsgi uses)
>> Are there any other good options that I am missing?
> It appears you have 4 - how many more exactly are you after?

Fair enough - though I don't know if plain CGI is a "good" option, and
IIS FastCGI doesn't seem to work at all.  So that leaves classic ASP
and the ISAPI stuff.  I definitely will be spending some quality time
with the ISAPI in the near future.  I was concerned about the
threading issue because my app (which has several hundred thousand
LOC) has always assumed a multiprocess model.  But it sounds like if I
use the lower level stuff that may not be an issue.

I guess the main question I wanted to raise was if anyone has had any
success with FastCGI on IIS, or at least might have some idea of what
further work might be required to enable it.    I will definitely do
some experimenting with the pywin32 isapi stuff.

And by the way, I just want to thank you personally Mark for all the
outstanding work you have done over the years for Python on this
platform!   Python wouldn't be what it is without you.

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