I'm trying to create a PyRichEditCtrl with scroll bars.
I can get scroll bars to appear using the appropriate
style flags in CreateWindow, but they don't entirely
work. Clicking on the scrolling arrows causes the text
to scroll, but the position of the thumb doesn't get
updated to match.

Can anyone point me to a piece of example code that
shows the minimum necessary steps to get this to
work? I've looked at the editor example that comes with
pywin32, but the details are hidden under several
layers of abstraction, making it hard to tell what's

Also, it seems to use a RichEditView/RichEditDoc
combination instead of a RichEditCtrl. Does this make
a difference? Is it possible to get a plain
RichEditCtrl to scroll properly, or do I need to use
a RichEditView?

The code I'm currently using looks like this:

  import win32con as wc, win32ui as ui

  win_style = wc.ES_MULTILINE | wc.ES_WANTRETURN
  win = ui.CreateRichEditCtrl()
  win.CreateWindow(win_style, (0, 0, 100, 100), parent_win, 0)
  flags = 0
  if 'h' in scrolling:
    flags |= wc.WS_HSCROLL
  if 'v' in scrolling:
    flags |= wc.WS_VSCROLL
  win.ModifyStyle(0, flags)

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