I use synergy to connect the keyboard and mouse on my desktop to my laptop. However, I have found that synergy keeps my monitors from shutting off when it is running. I often forget to turn synergy off at the end of the day, which means my monitors waste energy and bulb life. I would like to write a script in Python that would check if the computer had been idle (i.e. no user input) for > 1 hour and if so, shut down synergy if it is running. I would appreciate pointers in two areas:

   * How would I check how long the computer had been idle
   * How would I kill a process if I only know the name

Brief references would be fine, I am happy to go digging.


Randy Syring

"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory
of God." 1 Cor 10:31

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