I'm currently writing a script to access approximately 400 computers for
removing a particular app from the system. I'm having problems getting
results using the wmi c.CIM_DataFile (name=file). When I use file as a
variable which equals to the path to the app I want to remove I don't
get nothing back, however, if I hard code the path, I get results. See
snippet below for an example of what I'm talking about. I appreciate in
advance for any help I can get. Thank you.


import wmi

import re


def queryFile(file, host):

    print '[Debug nukeXmas()]:' + file

    c = wmi.WMI(host)

    for f in c.CIM_DataFile (name=file):

        print 'Install Date:', f.InstallDate


def queryFile2(file, host):

    print '[Debug nukeXmas()]:' + file

    c = wmi.WMI(host)

    for f in c.CIM_DataFile
(name="C:\\DOCUME~1\\profileName\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\Temporary Directory 1
for deluxetreee (2).zip\\Christmas.exe"):

        print 'Install Date:', f.InstallDate


 #File to query       

string = "C:\DOCUME~1\profileName\LOCALS~1\Temp\\Temporary Directory 1
for deluxetreee (2).zip\Christmas.exe"


#Substitute "\" to "\\"

path = re.sub('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\', string)


#Close query path with double quotes

file = '"'+path+'"'


#I'm having problems here, query brings back nothing

queryFile(file, '')


#Here, I hard code the path to the exe and it works

queryFile2(file, '')




Kelvin Lomboy Security+, OSCP, CEH

Information Security Specialist

R-G Financial Corporation

Phone: (787) 288-1800 x3161


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