Wondering if its possible to create Windows Shell Extensions
using pywin32 and if so, has anyone has tried to create a
QueryInfo type Windows Shell Extension?

I would like to create a Python equivalent of the simple InfoTip
described in this well written tutorial.

Here's a quick excerpt from this article:


The Active Desktop shell introduced a new feature: tooltips that
show a description of certain objects if you hover the mouse over
them. For example, hovering over My Documents shows this tooltip:

[My Computer tooltip - 6K]

Other objects like My Computer and Control Panel have similar
tooltips. These bits of text are called infotips, since they are
tooltips that provide information about the file, folder, or
object that the mouse is over. We can provide our own infotip
text for other objects in the shell, using an infotip extension.
An example of an infotip extension that you have probably already
seen is in WinZip, which shows the contents of compressed files:

[WinZip tooltip - 5K]

This article's sample extension will be a quick text file viewer
- it will display the first line of the file, along with the
total file size. This information will appear in an infotip when
the user hovers the mouse over a .TXT file.
Extracting the info I want to display in an InfoTIp is easy :)
... its the plumbing to support the display of information that
has me stuck.

Thank you,
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