I've been at this a while :)

Thought I'd ask if anyone knew either of a way in python, or just a
stand alone tool, to use in Windows to get CPU information.
Specifically, I'm looking for Feature sets or Flags.

What I'm doing is building a tool for work that gets certain bits of
system information to automate test configuration and deployment.

So far, I'm using a combination of dmidecode.exe and the Python WMI
module to get info from WMI and the BIOS.  The problem I'm still stuck
with is actually getting the feature sets of a given processor.

dmidecode returns a nice list of flags, however, it only seems to
support and report the original register (I think it's ECX) and thus,
only shows 31 flags.  The new feature flags are being dumped, from
what I've beed reading, into a different register (I think this one is
EDX) and dmidecode (and dmi) can not access that.  DMI is dead, in any
case, and CIM is the new standard....

The problem is, after pouring through the CIM/WMI stuff over and over,
I've found no part of CIM or WMI that reports CPU feature sets.

In linux, this is pretty easy... I can just parse /proc/cpuinfo to get
every flag, and the new ones show up (assuming I'm running a new
enough kernel to handle the new flags).  In my case, I'll always be
running the newest GA linux distros.  BUT, I'll also be using this
code on Windows systems running Server 2008 and beyond.  So, the
problem now is not so much as how do I get the flags, because I can at
least get the basic ones, but how to I get ALL the flags.

What I'm specifically interested in are flags like VMX and SVN for
virtualization extensions, and maybe a couple others that have come
with the new generation AMD and Intel processors.

Any ideas, outside of what I've already tried (WMI/CIM and dmidecode?)
 I'm license limited, so any tools I try to include and use have to be

Jeff, who has a headache right now because of all this.


Samuel Goldwyn  - "I'm willing to admit that I may not always be
right, but I am never wrong." -
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