Błażej Kaczorowski wrote:
> I use python on win to deal with Excels and stuff at work. I was
> trying to find proper documentation of fe. to Worksheets
> Worksheets.Range and Worksheets.Cells objects but all I found on
> google are some lame tutorials with how to write "Hello World" it is
> simply ok for beginning but I need something more (fe. how to freeze
> top row in sheet).
> Can any1 point a place of full documentation for excel stuff in
> win32com? I would be gratefull.

There is no "full documentation".  Excel is just another COM object, so
there's nothing in win32com that specifically supports Excel.  It's just
like all of the other COM objects.

Microsoft has good documentation for the Excel object model, which
describes the properties and methods that Excel offers, usually showing
C++ or VBA code.  You have to translate that into Python (which is not
always easy).

The task you have chosen is not particularly easy.  To do the task you
have chosen, you need to "split" the window into two panes, then set the
size of the top pane to one row.
    xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
    xl.Visible = 1
    w = xl.Application.ActiveWindow
    w.Split = 1

I'm not entirely sure how to set the size of the individual panes.

Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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