"le dahut" (French) is an imaginary beast that has 2 legs shorter than the other 2. But the difference is between the right and the left legs, it's because this animal lives on mountainsides. This makes its movements easier but it would, however, always moving in the same direction on the same side.

Goal :
* catching Logon/Logoff/Lock/UnLock/StartScreenSaver/StopScreenSaver events

Why ?
* log those events (and maybe send them on a server)
* do some actions at some events (execute commands, tune registry, connect printers, modify windows firewall rules, etc.)

How ?
* using HandlerEx (not Windows 2000 compatible)
* using ISensLogon (Windows 2000 compatible)
and because Win XP firewall cannot filter outgoing connexions, it has been disabled and replaced with WipFW.

We use it in a Samba Domain to configure workstations at user logon. At logon event the service reads a configuration stored on the PDC and get some rules to apply depending on :
* the computer name
* the user name and/or groups

I don't know what details I could give about what to do with. I'm confident in people's imagination.


Tim Golden wrote :

Hi, "le dahut". (Sorry; how would you prefer to be addressed?)

What would be really useful is one or two paragraphs outlining
the problem you're solving with this solution :) I've more-or-less
followed your posts here over the past year, and your code's quite
readable so I can get an idea, but perhaps something along the lines

  The requirement: xxxx

  The problems: xxx

  The solution: xxx

would be helpful. No need for too much text; just an outline on
which to hang your different pieces of code.


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