On 26/02/2010 19:52, Aahz wrote:
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010, OptiCar wrote:

i need to know when an updated file has been opened.
is it possible to watch the "OPEN" and "ACCESS" event with an adaptation
of the Tim Golden's script ?
need to work on windows, does pywin32 can ?
inotify is only for linux
dazuko can catch on linux
what can work on windows to see the file open and file access event ?

We're using ReadDirectoryChangesW to catch changes; I have no idea
whether that would give the info you want.

'Fraid not; I assume that that is the "Tim Golden's script"
the OP is referring to, but that only handles *updates* no
opens/reads. As Tim R points out, there's really no way to
do this in Windows without dropping down to the device-driver
kind of level.

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