Am Montag, 1. März 2010 03:16:41 schrieb Tim Roberts:
> You wrote:
> >i am developing a windows service using python-win32.
> >Now I am searching for a possibility to get a notification when a user is
> >trying to shutdown the system.
> >In certain cases I need to cancel this shutdown,
> >Does anyone knows how this could be done?
> This is trickier than you might think.  Many shutdowns cannot be blocked. 
> For example, if battery power is critically low, you're going down, like
> it or not.  Further, if someone has their laptop set to hibernate when the
> close the lid, they're going to be really pissed off if your application
> blocks that and the battery expires.
> On Vista and beyond, you can use ShutdownBlockReasonCreate to say "the
> system should not be shutdown for a while".
> >Is it possible to catch system level events in python like in other
> >programming languages as for example C#:
> Anything that can be done in C# can be done in Python.  Do you have a C#
> example you want to copy?
> >
> Is this code not sufficient for your needs?
Thanks for your answer!

The code is good to get a notification when the system shuts down.
But I can not see a possibility to cancel the shutdown.

I think what i need is something like the code below, but I don't know how to 
implement this in python:

SystemEvents.SessionEnding += new 

void SystemEvents_SessionEnding(object sender, SessionEndingEventArgs e)

The e.Cancel() should cancel the shutdown.
My next problem is to tell the difference between a shutdown (poweroff) and a 

What I want to do is:
* catch a shutdown
* decide if it is a power off or reboot
* do some tasks
* shut down or restart the machine
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