This is a small paper that summarizes a number of more extense papers
describing different methods of VM detection. It may be of help:

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 6:40 PM,  <> wrote:
> Looking for ideas on how to detect when our Windows application is running
> in one of the following VM environments. Some starter ideas for detection
> are in parentheses. There may be (much) better detection techniques - the
> starter ideas I've come up with are based on my Google research.
> - VMWare (looking for the presence of optional VMware Tools is one way)
> - Microsoft Virtual PC (have a device named "Virtual HD" for their IDE
> disks, "MS Virtual SCSI Disk Device" for their SCSI disks)
> - Citrix Xen
> - Sun Virtual Box
> Any suggestions?
> Malcolm
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HONEY: I want to… put some powder on my nose.
GEORGE: Martha, won’t you show her where we keep the euphemism?
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