> Are any of your imports buried inside "if" or "def" statements? py2exe uses a 
> module-finding technique that doesn't work with those, and you'll either need 
> to change your code or list the modules in setup.py

We have import's embedded in 'if' blocks and py2exe seems to be picking
these up fine.

We also have some applications that were making some dynamic imports
that py2exe naturally wouldn't know about. We solved this problem by
making sure we included almost all the modules's in python's standard
library ('the kitchen sink strategy'). We did this by placing a huge
list of imports inside a 'if False:' block.

Our strategy for deciding what modules to include (import) in our py2exe
project is detailed in my Mar 9 post to this forum titled 'Choosing a
collection of common modules/packages for a general purpose reusable
PY2EXE runtime'. This post got zero feedback so our idea is either too
stupid or too obvious to warrant further conversation :)

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