On 22/03/2010 13:58, Tim Golden wrote:
[Tim Golden]
the only client which really supports CDO, ie
is the full Outlook client. It's just about possible to use CDO without
installing Outlook (by installing some standalone package whose name
escapes me)

[Werner Bruhin]
I found this:

Yep. Think that's the one.

At least I get past the above error, will see how far I get with this.
but that still only gives you access to Exchange, not to
whatever interface TB exposes.

That's really the problem. AFAICT, CDO is *basically* an interface to
Exchange via Outlook. You can just about get away without the Outlook
bit by installing the download you mention (which presumably includes
the necessary bits of Outlook without the front-end). But I don't
honestly think you can get away without Exchange. I suspect the idea
is that you should be able to. But I'm not aware that anyone's
implemented it to the extent that you could. Happy to be wrong.

I don't want to use Outlook, but I like to provide an additional way of
sending problem reports from within my application to me (MAPI,
smtplib), so hoped that I could use extended MAPI stuff.

Hmmm. Good luck and keep us posted.
The luck run out pretty quickly - get to the logon but then it seems to want an existing profile. So, back on having to get myself a copy of outlook to be able to test this stuff:(.
 For my understanding, is there
some reason you can't simply send via SMTP directly? Do you need
the intervening client?
I do offer the SMTP option using smtplib which works great, but some clients don't know/like to fill in the configuration stuff needed and others really want to see in their email client of choice the email to go out and it also gives them the record/archive of what has been sent.


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