Greetings ...

 This post is a little off topic, but I believe with-in scope of
python and how pywin32 is used, if anybody is offended by this post,
just delete it ... ;-)

 I'm currently write a util that is meant to sync Contacts with a
database, which can be found at ... ... Please don't laugh at the
code, I'm still a very junior  python programmer and still working
through some of the basic OO ideas.

 Looking to map the attribs in the Contacts, into a nice to read and
easy to use array of sorts ... Currently I'm writing alot of code and
looking plenty of things up ... I was reading into
lists/tuples/dictionaries, but can't come up with code that works or
makes sense.  Was thinking of multi-dimensional array, but I'm really

I would like you something like a table, as follows ...

Property Tag, Constant,      Description
0x3A17001F, PR_TITLE,   Contains the recipient's job title.
0x3A16001F, PR_COMPANY_NAME,    Contains the recipient's company name.

Maybe even add something like expected DB FieldName and Display Label ...

Thanks for all the advice I'm hoping to get ...

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