I have Python 2.6.2 (32-bit) and pywin32 212, on Vista 64.

Using the “context_menu” sample script as reference, I made a script
that registers a shell extension, adding a couple right-click commands
to 32-bit Explorer.  I now need to register it for use in 64-bit
Explorer, but can’t seem to work it out (short of manually adding keys
in regedit).  I actually have the ContextMenuHandlers registry keys in
both 32 and 64 hives, it’s the CLSID entry in the 64 hive that appears
to be the missing piece.  Basically whatever RegisterClasses does?

Is there an example somewhere showing how to register a shell
extension for 64-bit Explorer when running 32-bit Python?  I haven’t
been able to turn one up in my searching.

- Adam
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