Andreas Holtz wrote:
> The COM implementation is "suboptimal". There are a lot of features you can 
> not access via COM.
> Don't ask me why. Due to this suboptimal behaviour, I need this stupid hack.
> The question is now, what is a correct WM_SIZING-message?
> With a string for the rect, a RECT-object, two words or something else?
> It can't be possible that I am the first person sending a WM_SIZING-message 
> to a window in python?

You need to send a pointer to a list of four 32-bit integers.  If it
were me, I'd use the struct module to convert the coordinates to a
string, and send the string.

    import struct
    rect = struct.pack('4I', 0, 0, 100, 100)
    win32api.SendMessage(hndl, win32con.WM_SIZING, win32con.WMSZ_BOTTOM,
rect )

However, there are issues here.  You are supposed to send the screen
coordinates of the point that is being dragged.  In this case, that
would be a point along the bottom edge of the window.  Further, to clear
this "sizing in progress" mode, you need to send a WM_SIZE, where you'll
need to send the size of the window.  So, there may be more to this than
you think.

It should be fun to experiment, however.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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