On 16/10/2010 6:23 AM, Eileen Wei wrote:
Thanks Mark, that solved the problem. But I am wondering since 32bit
Python and pywin32 work on 64bit machine, why do we need the 64bit
version? - I have always thought that you need to install 64bit
version on 64bit machines...

In practice, it is rare you need the 64bit version - only if you need access to >3/4 GB of memory, need to use existing 64bit COM objects, etc.



-----Original Message----- From: Mark Hammond
[mailto:skippy.hamm...@gmail.com] Sent: October-14-10 5:10 PM To:
Eileen Wei Cc: python-win32@python.org Subject: Re: [python-win32]
Problem using win32com.client.Dispatch on Win7 64bit

On 15/10/2010 3:40 AM, Eileen Wei wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am new to this group. I am not sure how to do search on the
archives so if my question is duplicate please forgive me J

I have Python 2.7.amd64 and pywin32-214.win-amd64-py2.7 installed
on my Win7 64bit machine.

I am trying to use a COM object (the source of the COM is in C++
and MFC) in my python script. I registered the dll and tried to
create a object and here is what I got:
Note that I was able to successfully creating the object in my
WinXP and Win7 32bit machine. So I am thinking the problem must be
related to 64bit somehow. How can I fix this?

64bit processes can't use 32bit COM objects (at least not in-proc -
not sure about external) and I guess your COM object is 32 bit.

The easiest answer is probably just to install the 32bit Python and
32bit pywin32 extensions - you can either leave or remove the 64bit
version - they can co-exist happily...



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