On 21/10/2010 4:27 PM, kc106_2005-wi...@yahoo.com wrote:
Thanks for the reply, Mark.

I did a "copy" from Outlook, and then run dump_clipboard.  Here's what comes up:


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\win32com\demos\dump_clipboard.py", line 
, in<module>
   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\win32com\demos\dump_clipboard.py", line 
, in DumpClipboard
     medium = do.GetData(fetc_query)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147024882, 'Not enough storage is available to complete
  this operation.', None, None)

Bugger :) Try modifying the script so that the COM error in line 32 is ignored and re-running it.

Now, if I drag a message from Outlook and drop it onto a wxpython application
and then run dump_clipboard.py.  Here's what I got:

Dumping all clipboard formats...
Clipboard format 49161
  ->  got 4 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 4 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format 49655
  ->  got 36 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 36 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format 49379
  ->  got 269 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 269 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format 49729
  ->  got 490 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 490 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format 49730
  ->  got 8 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 8 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format CF_UNICODETEXT
  ->  got 36 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 36 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format CF_TEXT
  ->  got 18 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 18 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format 49731
  ->  got 146 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 146 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format 49171
  ->  got 312 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 312 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format CF_LOCALE
  ->  got 4 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 4 bytes via IStream
Clipboard format CF_OEMTEXT
  ->  got 18 bytes via HGLOBAL
  ->  got 18 bytes via IStream

That is strange - it looks very much like simple text in the clipboard.


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