On Dec 18, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Ian wrote:
> Hi all, 
> Question 1/ 
> I am writing a large and complex app in Python 2.7 with PyQt4 for an 
> exclusively windows environment.  All users will be access the app from 
> machines on the same LAN as the central database. In the early (pre-launch) 
> days, I expect releases to be made frequently, as new features are added and 
> the customer wishes to test them out. 
> What is a good way to release such code?  
> I was thinking of copying the .pyc files to a shared directory on the server, 
> and having the start-up script check and update a local copy if any changes 
> had been made since the last start-up. 

Just a quick note on deployment.  Google Chrome performs automagical 
self-update every time it's relaunched.  This "feature" drives me batty 
because, on more than one occasion, it has broken Google Chrome; something that 
used to work perfectly fine, no longer does.  If you go with the auto-update 
approach, I would consider:

- designing it such that it's possible for a user to revert back to a previous 
- giving the user an option to turn this feature off
- making grabbing a new version a manually invoked option

There is a line between web application where it's more or less understood that 
it may break and you have no control vs. locally installed application which, 
if it worked yesterday, should continue to do so today if you didn't muck with 
the program.

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