On 16/01/2011 2:51 PM, Ben Timby wrote:
IIUC, WndProc receives messages from the message pump. I am attempting
to override the default message handler with my own. The code I posted
is a contrived example. So really, I am not interested in the
correctness of it, but why does the call to SetWindowLong() fail the
way it does when I call it.

OK: because the parameters to the win32api.SetWindowLong
function are (cut-and-pasted and lightly reformatted from the docs):

hwnd : int - The handle to the window.

offset : int - Specifies the zero-based byte offset of the value to change.
Valid values are [.. snipped ...] or one of the GWL_ constants.

val : int - Specifies the long value to place in the window's reserved memory.

The MSDN docs at:


give for the "offset param":

GWL_WNDPROC - Sets a new address for the window procedure.
You cannot change this attribute if the window does not belong
to the same process as the calling thread.

[... snip ...]

If you use SetWindowLong with the GWL_WNDPROC index to replace
the window procedure, the window procedure must conform to the
guidelines specified in the description of the WindowProc callback function.

and there's some extra stuff about the GWL_WNDPROC as well which I've missed.

Here is a good one:

OK. Well I have to apologise because I hadn't appreciated how
much work the win32 modules are doing behind the scenes on this
one. They generally just wrap Win32 API calls fairly directly.

On the other hand, you do have a couple of issues:

1) You're using the win32api version of SetWindowLong. The win32gui
version -- which your linked example uses -- does in fact do some
jiggery-pokery with the final parameter if the "offset" param is
GWL_WNDPROC. Without that extra work by win32gui, the first one
is trying to convert your Python function object into a pointer-ish
value (such as an integer) which it can then pass directly to the
underlying API call.

2) The first parameter is a *window* handle, not a process handle.
Now, in your initial post, you've given no suggestion that you're
even operating inside a windowed context, so I was suprised to find
you trying to replace the underlying Windows message-handling proc.

So, sorry if I came across a bit brusquely, but if you'd posted
the link to the example in the first place and given a little
bit of context I'd have been able to give a better answer up-front.

Obviously, the callable you pass in should have the signature of
a Windows proc, as in the example you linked to. I'm not sure
whether it will complain if it doesn't or whether it will merely
fall over in a big heap. Feel free to find out and let us know!

In short, then:

1) Use the win32gui version of SetWindowLong
2) Pass a valid window handle (from within the same process as your code) as 
the first param
3) Pass a suitable function as the third param

and, hopefully, all should be well.  (Famous Last Words...)

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