
I'm attempting to use COM to connect with Microsoft Dynamics GP via eConnect. I 
have a working VB program, and I also have a working IronPython program. 
However, I can't seem to get it to work with win32com.

The main assembly I'm trying to get at is 
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods. In VB this looks like:

Dim eConCall As Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods

And in IronPython I'm able to:

from Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect import eConnectMethods
connect = eConnectMethods()

In cPython 2.6 with win32com I'm able to do the Dispatch or EnsureDispatch, but 
the resulting handle has no usable methods:

>>> em = 
>>> win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods")
>>> dir(em)  # only public methods are CLSID and coclass_clsid
>>> instance = em()
AttributeError: _eConnectMethods instance has no __call__ method

>> em.eConnect_EntryPoint(...)
AttributeError: '<win32com.gen_py.7120EE94-41A9-39FF-A2B4-C0F9D2B0897Dx0x10x0._e
ConnectMethods._eConnectMethods instance at 0x12286632>' object has no 
attribute 'eConnect_EntryPoint'

Any ideas? Words of wisdom would be most appreciated.



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