On 4/03/2011 1:31 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
I recently tried running PyGUI on Python 3 using
pywin32 build 216, and a couple of things are
not working quite the same way as they were with
Python 2 and build 213.

1) The default font used for control labels etc.
is slightly smaller.

2) When I calculate the width of a piece of text
using DC.GetTextExtent() I get a value that is
too small, and doesn't match the actual size of
the text as it is drawn.

Anyone have any idea what might have changed,
and what I can do about it?

What version of python and how many bits? I'm guessing you tried 3.2, which means you must have used the 64bit version (as the 32 bit version of pywin32 appears to have 2.x syntax .py files). Assuming you've been using 32bit builds on 2.x, I guess that could point to a bug in the 64bit port of pywin32?

The only other thing I can think if is the manifest changes - windows uses the manifest of the "owning hmodule" for some things (notably the version of the "common controls" used), which is why the winxpgui module exists. It seems unlikely, but I wonder if those changes have told windows to put things in some kind of compatibility mode.


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